Posted inGermany Robot Programming Robots Robert Riener Tags: Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Equipment, Control Theory, Prosthetics, robot programming, robots ETH Zurich, Zurich Switzerland Research Areas Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Equipment, Control Theory, Prosthetics, Robot Programming,…
Posted inAutonomous Agents E - H H Ayanna Howard Tags: AI-Based Methods, autonomous agents, Behavior-Based Systems, Biomedical Equipment, Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction, Education Robotics, female, female roboticist, Field Robots, Gesture, Haptics and Haptic Interfaces, Human Detection and Tracking, Human-Centered Robotics, humanoid robots, Learning and Adaptive Systems, Learning from Demonstration, Legged Robots, Multi Robot systems, Neural and Fuzzy Control, Posture and Facial Expressions, Rehabilitation Robotics, Robot Companions, robots, Search and Rescue Robots, Social Human-Robot Interaction, Space Robotics and Automation, Telerobotics and Teleoperation, Virtual Reality and Interfaces, Visual-Based Navigation Ohio State University, OH United States Research Areas AI-Based Methods, Autonomous Agents, Behavior-Based Systems, Biomedical…