Posted inAutonomous Agents Sensors Social Human-Robot Interaction Lynne Parker Tags: Agent-Based Systems, AI-Based Methods, autonomous agents, Behavior-Based Systems, Big Data in Robotics and Automation, Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction, Cooperating Robots, Deep Learning in Robotics and Automation, Distributed Robot Systems, female, Gesture, Human Detection and Tracking, Learning and Adaptive Systems, Learning from Demonstration, Motion and Path Planning, Multi Robot systems, Networked Robots, Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots or Agents, Posture and Facial Expressions, Reactive and Sensor-Based Planning, roboticist, robots, Sensor Networks, SLAM, Social Human-Robot Interaction University of Tennessee, TN United States Research Areas Agent-Based Systems, AI-Based Methods, Autonomous Agents, Behavior-Based…
Posted inComputer Science E - H H Seth Hutchinson Tags: computer science, Localization, Mapping, Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots or Agents, robots, Visual-Based Navigation Georgia Tech Atlanta (GA), USA United States Research Areas Computer Science, Localization, Mapping, Path Planning…
Posted inA - D Computer Science D Ruedigger Dillman Tags: Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, computer science, Computer Vision for Medical Robotics, Dual Arm Manipulation, Grasping, Human Performance Augmentation, Humanoid and Bipedal Locomotion, humanoid robots, Kinematics, Medical Robots and Systems, Motion and Path Planning, Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots or Agents, Perception for Grasping and Manipulation, Reactive and Sensor-Based Planning, robot programming, robots, Sensor Fusion, Sensor-based Control, Sensors Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany Research Areas Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Computer Science, Computer Vision for…